【YOUR VOICE】Noblesse Oblige-3: Constitutional Crisis/立憲君主制の危機:二重権威


What kind of the Official Authority the Emperess, Emerita has over the Emperor?” 

~ 公職引退皇族がなぜ天皇陛下の権威を無視して暴走する? 許す政府の無能・無策ぶり ~



In 1959, she married the then-Crown Prince, now The Emperor of Japan, Emeritus as Commoner and had been called The Empress of Japan until 2019. There were many opinions, published to question about her ability to operate in the traditional Noblesse Oblige practices. However, this question, below, is limited to the period after the retirement in 2019 by the Law for Special Exception of the Imperial House Law on one question: “What kind of the official authority the Empress, “Emerita” has over the Emperor?”



This is because the position of the Emperor in the Japanese Constitution had been changed, in my review, as the Imperial Household Law is a part of the law’s structures under the Japanese Constitution, by the then-Emperor and Empress of Japan in 2019, which entailed as follows:



Law(該当法): The Law for Special Exception of the Imperial House Law concerning Abdication, etc. of Emperor, for the abdication of Akihito, the 125th Emperor of Japan, fully in effect on May 1st, 2019 after the accession and enthronement of the new emperor, Naruhito.




The strong possibility of becoming a permanent amendment on the critical term(終身在位要件廃止への前例を設定・承認):The Imperial Household Law clearly defines that the Emperor is “on the throne until death” while the Abdication Law was also explained on April 30, 2019 by  the Chief Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Yoshihide Suga as “setting up precedents for the future”



The Significant Power on the Imperial House Business (摂政継承順位3位:皇后より上位): Meanwhile, the Mother, as Empress, Emerita, remains at the age of 90 to be a regent in the third line in the core segment of the Imperial Court, while tapping significant allocation away in the Imperial budget from the Emperor’s family, along to keep the status quo in her own huge staffs and a facility in the same size, with the often-reported active comments to impact the business for the next generation of the Imperial Family.



●This means that the mother hasn’t retired and still holds significant power at the age of being 90+year old, despite the Law for Special Exception. As this special law was created, based on the special request from The Emperor and Empress, then, there is clear responsibility for the “retired” to abide the spirit of the law as the Constitutional Monarchy. Thus, if the actual practices were far from the spirit of the law, it will be the responsibility for the “Retired” to follow the law.

この事実は皇室特例法を起案、実施(引退を通じた身分変化を権威者として恣意的に確認)しておきながら、実質的に引退していない可能性(特例法の趣旨を無視し、自分都合で周囲を合わせる、二重権威)を示唆していないか? 知りませんでしたでは済まされないし、熟知して特例法を受け入れたとしたら、責任者の一人としての関与責任(特例法の制定意図と現実に発生中の乖離)は免れない。


●Her unfair favorite position on the Emperor’s Brother and his son, based on the “unverified” justification in the primogeniture in the male line may lead easily to the second abdication of Naruhito, based on the Special Exception. This is exactly the risk the succession rules in the Imperial House Law are warning and trying to avoid. Unfortunately, those “Presumptuous” heirs in the primogeniture in the male line were proven to be unfit or with little aptitude or preparation to succeed the throne in the Commoners view.


In Japan, it is true that these kinds of legal maneuvers were frequently chosen to manipulate the law, which the Japanese Commoners believe unacceptable to abuse the constitutional right for them to choose the Emperor of Japan as the symbol of the nation with the full support from the people.





The society standard, ethics, rules and laws in Japan have been built historically with the strong emphasis on the honesty and fairness with even higher expectation on the Imperial Monarchy and the Diet members. So, the system isn’t working right if the people in the privilege with the responsibility are ignoring the expectation for their selfish gains.



The Trust between the Imperial Court and the Commoners was severely damaged by the unauthorized actions by the Empress, Emerita along with lack of the proactive actions by the Diet members.



Most of the Commoners aren’t supporting the series of lies, secrets and special privileges, subjectively given by the Empress, Emerita, without any governing title and authority beyond (1) the spouse of the Emperor of Japan, until 2019, (2) The Emperess, Emerita, now (created only for her without any historical justification),  and (3) Mother of the two Princes in the male line for the succession with one princess, in the current Imperial law

大多数の国民は公式権威のない一皇族((1)2019年迄で引退した天皇の妻, (2)歴史的論拠のない特例法で制定された称号:上皇后、(3)次世代皇族の国母)に過ぎない上皇后の嘘、欺瞞、秘密に差別的に付与される特権判断に同意する事はない。


While the supporters insist the ones in the primogeniture in the male line as the absolute rule, the exclusion of the female heir in the male line was only added in 1889 despite the whole history of the succession, over 2684 years with eight female Emperors in the male line.



Furthermore, the “Bloodline” was, selectively and exclusively, discussed to close the discussion despite the fact: the unclear interpretation requirements on the heirs between the direct heir: female vs the male in the male line (2nd).  Meanwhile, the “Noblesse Oblige” have being clearly ignored as Princess Aiko in the direct heir has received the Commoners heart and the Overseas through showing her aptitude to be the Emperor of Japan while the Commoners have rejected the options for the males in the male line (2nd) as unfit and unethical to succeed the throne.



The rules and laws must be amended transparently to preserve the unity and trust between the Commoners (the new legislative amendment through the Diet or the National Vote) and the Constitutional Monarchy, not for a “Monarch without proper authority” and the supporters who lack grit because of their privilege and entitlements” 





A small leak will sink a great ship:千丈の堤も蟻の一穴から

~ 上皇后が実権を握るのに、なぜこれらが起こるのか ~


【YOUR VOICE】Noblesse Oblige2: With Privileges Comes Responsibility/上流階級の特権には責任履行が表裏一体である –

【YOUR VOICE】Noblesse Oblige

(KB: North Amerikaさんより)









・メールで info@etcetera-japan.com へ。件名は「YOUR VOICE」でお願いいたします。













  • 英文で短くまとめられると、もの凄い迫力ですね。
    前のパート2へのコメントでテロメア短しさんが追加希望されていた通り、海外では知れ渡っている話として、humble origin問題がありますね。
    >low-born 低い身分 
    as humble a background as kiko’s 卑しい(境遇)<

  • 今日発売の「女性自身」(別名 見て子自身)に、見て子さんがリハビリに取り組みながらも、電動車椅子でお出まししたいという記事がありました。







  • 上皇様の退位のご意思、特例法の中身など、上皇后様にとってはどうでもよく、おそらくご隠居なさるお気持ちなど無かったのでしょう。ご退位なさってからのマスコミの報道、世間へのお騒がせ具合などからとてもよくわかります。卒寿をお迎えになっても、超人的なご回復をお見せになる程ですから、お若い頃と変わらず、色々と口を挟みたい、世間にご自身をいつまでも見てもらいたい、といったお気持ちを、抑えきれないのでしょうね。これは、ご本人の性格の問題でもありますので、本来は、宮内庁がしっかりと諭し、納得させなければならないのだと思います。

  • ダンケーダンシ

  • 「私室部分はバリアフリー化でエレベーターや手摺を設置し、階段をスロープにした」とあります。お付きも沢山いて骨折されたのですか?


    2022/4/25  産経ニュース







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