【YOUR VOICE】Noblesse Oblige2: With Privileges Comes Responsibility/上流階級の特権には責任履行が表裏一体である


In the case of the Akishinomiya family, the definition goes “With Privilege Comes No Responsibility,” which is most likely the reason why the Commoners are raising their voice as follows:



#1 The Akishinomiya family are pushing their selfish desire to have the choices of the life as if they were the Commoners with the ultra-leverage of the privileges, being in the Imperial Family, which is largely financed by the taxes from the Commoners. If their desire were financed by their own asset and wealth, the conversation is moot



#2 In the life of the Commoners, they are aware of and accept the reality that the special treatments and Quid Pro Quo: SONTAKU: 忖度 exist, which is however being evaluated if they are made under any inappropriate arrangements. When the inappropriate or unethical arrangements were discovered, the people, involved in the arrangements, are required to take the responsibility



#3 In the case of the Akishinomiya family, they ignore any requests for the honest disclosures and explanations by insisting the protections, reserved for the Imperial Family while they live in the Commoners’ life with ultra-privilege, but no responsibility



For the bureaucrats, a “leader” who is easy to deal with welcome:



This message was reportedly made in 2011 by a powerful politician, which started the long struggles for the Commoners in Japan because of the ineffective leadership.



For the Akishinomiya’s case, the message isn’t seemingly applicable. Yet, if you look at the cause of the current situation: No action at the Core Establishment System in the politics, bureaucrats and the old media level, you may find the common element: Strong resistance to the changes.

この発言と秋篠宮家の蛮行とは関係ないように見えます。が、現況(政治、大手報道、官僚組織の既成勢力から何も新規提案がない)を診るに 『変化に対する抵抗』という共通項が既成勢力に見つかります。


In this case, the changes may indicate the loss of the massive Quid Pro Quo relationship built over the 30+ years. Almost every top-level people are very comfortable in operating in the same rules and the relationship they built, thus seeing any change are dangerous actions as they worked up in the promotion paths in the same rules. They see that the changes yield many problems as they have little idea on how to deal with, which have been wildly damaging the future of Japan, especially the young Commoners.



However, this case is raising more attentions because the actions by Akishinomiya are clearly insulting the core values in the “Silent” Commoners: Caring each other, Honesty and Fairness, which are the expectation on the Imperial Court by the Commoners. If the spending on the palace, the arrangements of the special arrangements were reasonable ones and transparent, a few people complain. It was the arrogance with the poor judgements and little effort to communicate with the Commoners. Their messages have been the “I do anything in any time I want, ““You have no voice,” “If you continue to complain, I will punish you.”



It is seemingly huge walls for the Commoners. Yet, please remember this, “The system to currently support the Akishinomiya family are not 100% agreeing to the actions by the Akishinomiya family’s mishandling. So, when the gap between the privilege and the responsibility were getting wider and being released into the world beyond the suppression by the Core Establishment System, they will flip to support their own interest.”



The followings are the major gaps between the Privilege and Responsibility.  Please act ethically!



Please remember this: The Established Core System is trying to control you through the messages,” You don’t have intelligence, knowledge and experience to discuss these matters” “So, shut up and accept what ever we say, including the encouragement to attack the people in your side through the Dividing and Conqueror.”



A small leak will sink a great ship:



(KB: North Amerikaさんより)









・メールで info@etcetera-japan.com へ。件名は「YOUR VOICE」でお願いいたします。













  • KBさん、解り易い一覧表を有難うございます。英文が分かると楽しいだろうな。
    下線つきの「ズル」が際立ちますね。英文併記なので、何処かに「humble origin」を加えてください。今年の流行語大賞に決定するかも?! 冗談は半分で、英文は世界に拡散するので御覧になって力添え戴きたい。エリザベス=ビク博士は心強かったなー。


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