【皇室、徒然なるままに】第6話 宮内庁広報室がやるべきこと・中編 西村泰一


2022年2月22日、世界中の王室の話題を届ける『Royal Central』は、朝日新聞の英語版を元にこう伝えています。
Prince Hisahito of Japan has been accused of plagiarism in an essay that had made headlines because of the award it brought to its author.
On 15 February, the Imperial Household was approached by The Asahi Shimbun, a magazine devoted to Asian and Japanese topics, concerning the fact that certain parts of the essay “ very closely resembled a source that was not mentioned,” according to the filing.
The Japanese Imperial Household responded the following day with a press release saying that “the description of [the Prince’s] reference list was inadequate” and that Hisahito would review said list to check if more sources needed to be added, aside from the one pointed out by the magazine.
The essay in question was about the Ogasawara Islands and was based on memories of a trip the Prince took to the place with his mother, Princess Kiko when he was a child.
The essay even brought him a prize, which he received in a virtual ceremony in March 2021. The school he attended at the time, Ochanomizu University Junior High School, took part in the Kita-Kyushu’s 12th Children’s Nonfiction Literature Award.
The Prince’s essay took second place and was selected for the honour among 97 other writings. Kita-Kyushu is a city in the Fukuoka Prefecture of Japan, and every year is responsible for awarding the prizes.
According to the Japanese Imperial Household’s press release, it is understood that Prince Hisahito will contact city officials in Kita-Kyushu to amend the essay and add the necessary references to the list.
Prince Hisahito is second in line to Japan’s imperial throne. Only son of Hereditary Prince Fumihito and Hereditary Princess Kiko, the Prince has two older sisters, Mako (who recently left the family following her marriage to a commoner) and Princess Kako.
Prince Hisahito has recently announced that he will break with education traditions and will attend the University of Tsukuba’s Senior High School, a prestigious high school located in the Otsuka district of Tokyo. He will be the first heir to the throne not to attend Gakushuin University’s Senior High School.
さらに『The Telegraph』なんかが、こんな記事を出していました。

Prince Hisahito, the 15-year-old future emperor of Japan, has been accused of plagiarising sections of an essay about a holiday with his mother to try to win a children’s literary competition.
The writing by the prince, son of Crown Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko, came in second and was highly commended by the panel of judges for the 12th Children’s Nonfiction Literary Awards, presented by the city of Kitakyushu in March last year.
Titled “Visiting the Ogasawara Islands”, the essay was part of the prince’s summer holiday homework for Ochanomizu University Junior High School in Tokyo, where he was a student. The school submitted the essay for the awards.
Reporting on the prince’s achievement, the Mainichi newspaper said the 19-page essay was an account of a trip he took to the islands, south of Tokyo, with his mother in 2017. It included a lot of detail about the geological formations of the volcanic archipelago and commented on how the islands had become a breeding ground for a number of unique forms of flora and fauna.
Another section was about the islands’ coral reefs and its appeal to tourists. The prince also included apparent conversations with local residents. One of the judges said: “The sense of balance and the beauty of the text are wonderful coming from a teenager.”
Closer examination revealed that the essay has a section that is almost a word-for-word repeat of a research paper published by the National Institute of Environmental Studies, according to Asahi newspaper.
Another section “very closely resembles a source that was not mentioned” in the footnotes, a passage from the “World Heritage Ogasawara” publication.
The Imperial Household Agency has issued a statement saying that the reference list for the essay was “inadequate” and that prince had concurred with that assessment. The agency said the prince will contact the organisers of the literary award with revisions to the piece.
A spokesperson for the award told local media that while there are “similar sentences”, the prince will not be stripped of his second-place award.
“Even if there is an omission in the references, the literary award is for the theme and expressiveness of the work”, the official told the NewsPost website.
“We are not considering withdrawing the award”.
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【皇室、徒然なるままに】第7話 宮内庁広報室がやるべきこと《後編》もご期待ください。。

1966年4月ー1972年3月 洛星中高等学校
1972年4月ー1976年3月 京都大学理学部
1976年4月ー1979年10月 京都大学大学院数理解析専攻
1979年11月ー1986年3月 京都大学附置数理解析研究所
1986年4月ー2019年3月 筑波大学(数学)
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