【YOUR VOICE】小室夫妻は「A-1 Head of State」ビザを取得したのか?
この裁判では、薬物使用に関する虚偽申告だけでなく、取得したビザの種類も問題になっていました。イギリスの移民弁護士は、ヘンリー王子はA-1ビザの中でも上位の「A-1 Head of State」を取得しただろうと言っています。
ヘンリー王子はなぜ米国で生活できるのか ビザの”謎”が全米で論争を呼ぶ納得の理由
騒ぎを大きくする要因の1つは、ヘンリー王子に発給されたビザの種類が不明という事実である。「A-1」ビザと推測する専門家は多く、ある移民専門弁護士は「A-1の上位ではないか」とブログに綴っている。「A-1」は外交パスポートまたはそれに相当するものを所持する層(日本では皇族や閣僚等)に発給されるが、訪米目的は政府関連の公式活動などで自国を代表してのもの。上位の「A-1 Head of State」なら訪米目的は不問で、「身元調査も甘い」らしい。
公務で渡米する外国政府職員が外交(A)ビザを取得するためには、移民法に定められた外交(A)ビザ資格要件を満たさなければなりません。A-1またはA-2ビザで渡米する場合、渡米目的は純粋に自国政府の公務遂行のためでなければなりません。観光ビザあるいはビザ免除プログラム によるビザなしでの渡米はできません。
なぜヘンリー王子は「A-1 Head of State」ビザを取得したと考えられているのか?理由として、
元皇族の眞子さんもこの「A-1 Head of State」ビザを取得したのではないでしょうか? PTSDの既往症も不問だったかもしれません。ユーチューバーの方々の調査により、小室圭がH-1Bビザを取得していないことは既に判明しています。「A-1 Head of State」を選ぶ最大のメリットは、ずばり「税法上、米国”非”居住者の方が確定申告で有利で皇室財産を隠せる」という特権があるからです。
日本の皇室は英王室と違って質素ですが、秋篠宮家を巡る怪しいお金の流れを隠すためにも、眞子さんは皇室特権で非居住者になれるA-1 Head of Stateビザを取ったと思います。外交ビザなので本人ではなく日本政府がビザを申請してくれるし、審査も緩いし、皇室の秘密も守れるし、こんなに美味しいビザはありません。
Who can use an A-1 Head of State visa?
An A-1 visa is appropriate for members of royal families. As stated in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), “a nonimmigrant alien who presents a diplomatic passport or its equivalent shall, if otherwise qualified, be eligible to receive a diplomatic visa” and this specifically includes “members of a reigning royal family.” [2] Prince Harry is a member of the British Royal Family. So, he is a likely A-1 visa holder.
Moreover, there is a category of highest level members of a country’s public leaders called A-1 Head of State, for which Prince Harry could qualify as a member of a royal family, for which he need not be a “working” royal or even a “working” government official. Most A-1 diplomats need to be coming to the United States on behalf of their national government primarily to engage in official activities for that government.[3] But a Head of State meets the eligibility for an A-1 visa “regardless of the purpose of the visit to the United States.” [4] They can travel to the US just to visit or do any activity, even work-related. If he is on an A-1 visa, Prince Harry does not need to be coming to the US solely to work on behalf of the British government.
Why is it significant that Prince Harry is on an A-1 Head of State visa?
A-1 visas have a lower security and background check threshold. Only the terrorism and national security inadmissibility grounds of the US Immigration and Nationality Act §212(a) apply. So US consular officers only would vet Prince Harry under the ineligibility grounds found in INA §§ 212(a)(3)(A), (3)(B), and (3)(C). [5] He would not have been vetted by the US Government directly for mental health ineligibility like drug abuse or addiction or for criminal grounds of ineligibility like a controlled substance violation. Mere admission to drug use in a memoir would not keep Prince Harry from staying in status and being able to renew an A-1 visa.
Prince Harry’s Drug Use and the A-1 Head of State Visa
What visa do you think that Prince Harry is on, given tax considerations for him and his visa options?
Clayton Cartwright: I have been thinking for the last four years, since Prince Harry and Meghan Markle moved to the United States that Prince Harry would have chosen to remain in the status that he likely held for shorter visits to the United States. This would be the A-1 Head of State visa status, which is used not only for Heads of State, but also for royal families.
Why would Prince Harry choose this visa status over any other?
Clayton Cartwright: Most visa statuses leave the holder “US tax resident” once the foreign national accrues 183 days in the United States during a calendar year, in absence of a tax treaty. US tax residents, like US citizens, must report their worldwide income on a US income tax return. Diplomatic visas, like the A-1 Head of State visa, convey relief from counting days inside the United States. The US has a foreign policy interest in not triggering US tax residency for diplomats. It is good diplomatic practice. Thus Prince Harry, if he is on an A-1 Head of State visa, will remain US tax nonresident regardless of his presence in the United States.
What is the significance of Prince Harry’s remaining US tax nonresident?
Clayton Cartwright: He will not have to report the foreign accounts he owns, or on which he is a signatory, each year to the US Treasury, as US citizens and US tax residents are required to so using the Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR). It keeps private to Great Britain not just the foreign assets Prince Harry owns, but also other assets of the royal family on which he is listed.
US Tax and Reporting Benefits for an A-1 Visa: Why Prince Harry Might Choose to Live in Montecito on an A-1 Visa
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