【YOUR VOICE】The Imperial Court Succession:The Fifth View


The Fifth View:

Do the Japanese Commoners hold the right to seek The Critical Litmus Tests?


Any Disrespect?  “No, we have to confirm the truths for the Japanese Commoners” in the following reasons

  • It was Emperor, Emeritus and Empress, Emerita, who changed the “Status Quo” in asking the National Diet to enact The Law for Special Exception of the Imperial House Law concerning Abdication, etc. of Emperor Akihito while the Abdication Law was also explained on April 30, 2019 by the Chief Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Yoshihide Suga as “setting up precedents for the future”


  • The old version of the Imperial House Law was independently crafted from the Japanese Constitution while the current version was a regular law, created as a part of Japanese Constitution


  • The Japanese Commoners are sensing all “possible” manipulations and pressure, implicitly or explicitly, from the Group, represented by the Mother, to force the Emperor of Japan, Naruhito, to Abdicate and then to push the line of the Emperor’s Brother’s line as the permanent. This is the reason why the Japanese Commoners are seeking the reasonable explanations such as scientific data by truly independent organizations, outside any influence of the Imperial Family, before accepting the New Succession change to the Emperor’s Brother and his Son, if the change ever happens


  • Accordingly, the structures in the law are not in sync with the “implied” dignity of the Imperial Court, as the supporter on the “Status Quo” insist such as “Never challenge the Imperial Family with such insult.” Interestingly, when the Emperor’s Brother insisted the fair treatment at the level of the Japanese Commoners for her daughter, then-Princess, he agreed to the conditions the current law structure mandates each Heirs and his/her family member, in the line of succession, clearly to provide the Japanese Commoners with the undisputed evidence on each qualification beyond just their words, so the requirements in the male bloodline are cleared without any dispute


  • Yes, it may be received as “Disrespectful demands.” If the Exception Law weren’t in effect, such defense may have the validity in the traditional “Status Quo.” However, the “Status Quo” no longer exist in this case of the succession, because the Mother and the Emperor’s Brother changed the “Status Quo” to get what they wanted


  • Neither the politicians nor the Japanese Commoners asked the Exception Law! The Emperor and Empress at the time asked and got their wish. Once the law was changed, this is entirely different situation, so any claim such as “This demand is disrespecting the Dignity and Privacy of the Imperial Court and its Member” cannot be permitted and the Japanese Commoners have the rights to ask the “Presumptive” Heir to prove the eligibility


  • Accordingly, these tests clearly confirm the clarification requirement, if the “unfit for the duty” clause in the Imperial Household Law indeed must be cleared to be eligible for any successor or not. Otherwise, the failure may disqualify, or require more tests from either the Emperor’s Brother or his Son for the succession as no real attempt was ever made up to this point


  • If these tests show the unsatisfactory results, the Japanese Commoners have all rights to seek every option(s), including the one to accept the unsatisfactory results and no changes in the male primogeniture


  • Then alternatives should be also reviewed in the equal weight. The overwhelming high percentage, above 90%, of the Japanese Commoners are seeking the politicians to amend the Imperial Household Law to adopt the absolute primogeniture. So, it will be the duty as the politicians, representing the Japanese Commoners’ wish, to resolve the succession challenge, through either the further amendment in the legislative process or the nationwide vote. The current practice such as the back door, unofficial and non-legislative process to solve the succession aren’t acceptable as the structure and fundamentals in the law are already changed by the exception law and the practices by the Mother and the Emperor’s Brother have been drifted away from the original spirit of the law.


While the Japanese Commoners convince that the Emperor’s Brother and his Son are also unfit in the Noblesse Oblige, they have realized that in the two critical qualifications: Bloodline and Noblesse Oblige, the Bloodline is the only fundamental truth to effectively and clearly resolve the disputes as the first step.

  • Accordingly, should the request for the Critical Litmus Tests were ignored or rejected, the Japanese Commoners will every right to take the response as the admission of the “being disqualified”, which remove them from the Heir claim
  • Then, as the second step, the Japanese Commoners seek the opportunities to amend the Imperial Household Law to adopt the absolute primogeniture


After reviewing each view, and you agree to them, please assist us in every possible form to raise your voice to support the adoption of the absolute the primogeniture, as the Japanese Commoners are wishing to preserve our crown jewel in The Emperor, Naruhito and Emperess, Masako and Princess, Aiko.

Thank You,

(HR, California)









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