【YOUR VOICE】The Imperial Court Succession:The Fourth View


The Fourth View: The Critical Litmus Tests

After reviewing the First, Second and Third View, the followings are the topics for you to review individually by connecting the dots, so you may be able to assist the Japanese Commoners with your own words, truly free from the pressure of the three Ace Cards.



Confirmation on the Bloodline: “Are you truly in The Emperor’s male line?”

  • The First Test on the Ace Card #1 & #3: The DNA or highly reliable alternative methods on the Emperor’s Brother to confirm the primogeniture in the male line

This is absolutely needed as he holds lesser physical traits with his father unlike his older brother, the Emperor of Japan, while his physical traits were somehow closer to the one in relatives in his Mother side and his children are showing much more similar traits. (Note: the Visual analysis is easily discovered in the Net.) The Japanese Commoners also remember that his Mother was experiencing some difficulty in her medical conditions to conceive a child before and during the birth time of the Emperor’s Brother. So, any low-level gossip/discussion or argument such as secret adoption, etc. could be dispelled with the DNA tests on (1) The Emperor, Emeritus, (2) Emperor, Emerita, (3) Emperor, (4) Emperor’s Brother and (5) The Son of the Emperor’s Brother. Yet, no serious response was ever returned from the Imperial Court.

Please remember that it is always necessary to have a second male in the primogeniture in the male line. The response(s) from the Imperial Family may be “No Official request was ever filed!” by shifting the Accountability to the Japanese Commoners, which is the typical communication style, conveniently, to apply the lack of respect to shield the Imperial Family.

  • The Second Test on the Ace Card #2: The definitive and transparent explanation on the DNA manipulation for the Son, if the choice of the baby’s sex were ever manipulated through any sort of the medical procedure(s), available that time.


The Japanese Commoners knew some methods, selectively to pick the conceived eggs with male DNA, were available in 2005-2006 and the Son’s mother was undergoing the fertility treatments before the conception announcement. At that time, any of the treatments for achieving the objectives were not medically authorized in Japan for the ethics issues, disrespecting the women and the role of the Miracle by the God. Yes, some people may have tried the procedures, not necessary to get the male boy as someone wants to have the girl.

However, for the Imperial Family, more specifically the roles and duty for Emperor and Emperess are to respect and pray the ancestry and the God’s will for the happiness of Japan, which is the most sacred duty.  If the procedure(s) were ever applied, the Son will not be the male chosen by the God.


Incidentally, for some reason, it appears that the Son is showing some questionable health status. Something is not normal. Furthermore, the accounting reports from the officials revealed that some expensive medication and elaborate medical procedures such as MRI were rushed to order, most likely to the Emperor’s Brother and his Son’s residence. Yet, no questions on his health, its origin and the use were ever allowed to ask through the media screening.   This smoke and diversion strategy is not necessary for the entire Imperial family as the Emperor and Empress are releasing their physical conditions on a regular basis, including some precautionary update when the Emperor had the prostate check.

If you are interested in learning about the reason why this is important, please check The Fifth View: Do the Japanese Commoners hold the right to seek The Critical Litmus Tests?

(HR, California)










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