【YOUR VOICE】The Imperial Court Succession:The Third View


The Third View:

Crumbling the Façade with the Self-Centered without Accountability


Despite these three Ace cards, the Emperor’s Brother declined to become Crown Prince of Japan by maintaining his “Self-Centered without Accountability.”   While some official release introduces him as Crown Prince, outside of Japan, he formally never accepted the title and duty for the tittle. Instead, he chose very undefined tittle, Imperial Heir (皇嗣), so he can continue his life style, without being restricted by the firm codes of the conducts and ethics guideline as the Crown Prince, which is seemingly real hurdles for him to give up.

He has been working very aggressively to continue in his way and built unfortunately track records, which means the harder impact from the Perfect Storm: Get everything without any Accountability while the two “Presumptive” Heirs will continue to receive the dividends with little training to be Emperor of Japan.



Evidence #1: The Unethical and Abuse of the Power and Privileges

Key Words: “Massive Palace with Italian Marble and Gold” “Significant Cost Overrun through many unreasonable plan changes, without any Accountability” “Quid Pro Quo: ‘SONTAKU 忖度 in Japanese’ to funnel the wealth into his benefits, unethically,” etc.


The story may not be the true historical story, yet was cited widely to share the special relationship: The People’s Emperor, meaning the living together with the Commoners, ”寄り添って in Japanese.” This can be further validated when you visit the Emperor’s old and historial residence in Kyoto, which does not have the deep moat, but cuddled by the simple structure, which any invader can easily go over. You will find some elaborate art, yet they are with the emphasis on the harmony rather than the authoritative impression. The Emperor’s palace is built and maintained with the happiness for the Japanese Commoners, which is a unique relationship between the ruler, Emperor and the Commoners. The tradition has been well practiced until Emperor of Showa, in 1989 and resumed in 2019 by the Current Emperor of Japan while the Mother  outspent for the 30+ years and still is holding her power to build a huge palace and significantly expand the tax fund spending for her own style and tastes. And the Emperor’s Brother further adapted the Mother’s practice and keeps sending the large bill to build this palace. The troubles are beyond the size, but the consistant overbudget, due to the frequent changes, which is the sign of the poor planning and attitude of the lack of the accountability.


Through the disclosure of the government budget and bidding policy, the Japanese Commoners started gathering the very unusual facts: The possibilities of piling up the unnecessary luxury items through the undisciplined and disorganized execution to build the mega palace, only for the Emperor’s Brother and his family. The massive new palace turned out to be bigger and more expensive to build and maintain than the official residence for Emperor and Empress after draining out the significant portion of the general budget for the Imperial Family. The worst reality is that the palace is designated as “Off-Limit” except for the family of Emperor’s Brother and their guests. This forced other members of the Imperial Court to reduce or postpone the tasks to improve and maintain their living and work conditions, because of the total budget ceilings.  As the practices in the Imperial Court were operated, based on the Noblesse Oblige, the active audits have not been introduced seriously yet with the respect and expectation of being honest from the Imperial Court members. Moreover, it is further shock for the Japanese Commoners to hear the comment from Emperor’s Brother, “The Emperor is over spending! He should not spend the tax fund for the ceremony such as his Coronation.”

In addition, the Emperor’s Brother was involved in being a part of the rather questionable the Quid Pro Quo: ‘SONTAKU’ 忖度 in Japanese.” From the generation of the relationship, under the Mother’s management, to benefit the limited parties, the large sum of the tax funds and private capital were preferentially allocated with some return to the Emperor’s Brother and his family. The practice may not be bribery, extortion, theft or illegal, but if the Imperial status and influence were added in the transaction, it become unethical activities for the Imperial Family as the public figures. Thus, the Imperial Family is expected to be the “Clean.” Unfortunately, his relationship and networks are deep rooted with the questionable schemes, always seeking more money, special arrangements and free gifts as the part of the “Implied Return.”

Now, the Commoners got the deep-rooted impression of the Emperor’s Brother and his family as “Selfish.”


Evidence #2: The Three Generations of Pursuing the Unrealistic Dream at all the costs for others  

Key Word: Kei Komuro with Mako:  The First Crumble of the Façade, so everyone woke up to grasp the deceptions  

The “Self-Centered without little Accountability” have been started by Mother and then seemingly passed fully to the Emperor’s Brother, his wife and children, two girls and one Son. However, the truth was shielded off for a long time by the officials and old media, under the excess controls, mostly through the network and business influence by the Mother, until this news surfaced on one of his daughters, then-Princess Mako.

She was seemingly wanting in 2017 to leave the life in the Imperial Court through the marriage with a Commoners, Mr. Kei Komuro.  The arrangement was at first praised and celebrated by the media as the next generation of the Royal Marriage with the Commoners. Unfortunately, Mr. Komuro and his mother were discovered in 2018 as the people with the questionable ethics, if not criminal. This wasn’t the class discrimination nor the crush with the traditional Imperial values, more to be the core value in being honest, for the Japanese Commoners: No one wishes to see the Son-in-law as Cheater in the Imperial Court as Mr. Komuro and his mother had many opportunities to resolve the questionable ethics, which weren’t in the large sum, but more to be the misuse of the trust in the relationship and the false filings to receive the social benefits.

Because of this, the Emperor’s Brother could disallow the arrangement as the responsible father. Instead, he avoided the responsibility while mistakenly citing his view, “I want her to receive a Commoners’ privilege of marrying anyone in her heart.” This might have released him from the responsibility as the father, but added tremendous liabilities as a member of the Imperial Court as he had done so too long. For Mr. Komuro, an average young man with the little credentials, to balance his prestige with the one Mako held as the princess, the Japanese Commoners believes that all the “Quid Pro Quo: ‘SONTAKU 忖度’in Japanese” was basically built and controlled by the Mother. The establishments, government, academic and media collaborated in background to work together; so, all the rules had been changed for the admissions and graduation of Mr. Kei Komuro into and from the schools both in Japan and US. The requirements of the LSAT and the qualifications for admission to a law school were temporally altered so Mr. Komuro slipped through and then the door was closed for others. Few records of his school days were available.  He passed the NY bar in his third try in 2022.  Even the NY Law Association to issue Mr. Komuro the license to practice the law in the state of NY, then to get a position with a law firm are believed to be part of this high level manuplations as the several protests from Japan were officially filed to them. While no one knows the real story, little positive news has been coming from his work to justify the extraordinal collaborations.

The Japanese Commoners are further wondering how the couple, especially wife, Mrs. Mako Komuro, got her visa from US embassy in Japan in 2021 to enter and stay in the US with the medical condition she claimed, PTSD to avoid the direct communication with the Japanese media. According to the US Immigration rules, no one with the PTSD is allowed to enter and stay in the US. These were implemented to build the massive façade for the family of Emperor’s Brother to create the “un-earned, but successful” couple in the US as Mrs. Mako Komuro, now a commoner, wanted to live in the US as the “successful” couple with the royal privileges.

Once Mrs. Mako Komuro arrived in NYC, it was reported that she was seeking a position as a Japanese art authority in the Classic and Imperial Art Traditions at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was the impression of the Japanese Commoners that a sort of the back stage arrangements might have been also used to promote Mrs. Komuro as she was working in the art preservation area, only with a master degree from a university in UK to justify her to the position, which were fiercely sought after by many applicants, mostly the Ph D holders with the top qualifications. Fortunately, she could not secure the position, only after a chance through one trial exhibit promotion. It is believed that she had neither professional level communication skills in English nor the knowledge of the Japanese art, which should have been favorable advantages, over other non-Japanese candidates, with the network to the Imperial Family. The trial exhibit received strong negative and poor reviews in Japan. The Museum got the real message.

The Japanese Commoners are wondering that the size of the political cost with the US and the tax funds had been wasted for the couple’s unrealistic dream of becoming a successful couple in NYC. It is well believed, without solid evidence due to the back door arrangements, through the Mother’s network, that the couple are still being supported and protected by tax payer and government. However, the discoveries crushed the façade for the Emperor’s Brother’s family; so many woke up to realize the true story because the media could hide little and chose, instead, to cash in by releasing the news as the scandals.


Evidence #3:  The Two Generations of the Modus Operandi: Cheating or “ZURUズル in Japanese”

Why do the Emperor’s Brother and his family need unethically and excessively to seek the academic accolades without learning and earning through the hard work? For the Imperial Family, those means little.

Key Words: “Gift Authorship to link to the preferential admission to the prestige University of Tokyo,” Plagiarism in an Essay Contest, Preferential Admittance, etc. as the “Cheating or ZURUズル in Japanese” to the elite schools during the Son’s entire schooling, Grade fixing questions to cover up the low score, etc


For the most of the Japanese Commoners, it is not necessary for the “Presumptive” Heir to hold the degree from the prestige academic organization at least undergraduate level. In fact, when the Emperor Emeritus, then Crown Prince, needed to be part of the Coronation of Elisabeth II in June 1953, he had to travel by ship to represent Japan. This forced him to skip his university classes, for which his university declared him “Insufficient Class Hours: Drop Out.” However, his father, Emperor Showa accepted the decision by his university since the duty as Noblesse Oblige is in the higher duty for then-Crown Prince. He later completed his university education as a special student in 1956 and has continued his personal research.


The fairness and open competition in the academic accolades are essential rules and ethical ground for the Japanese Commoners, which the Emperor’s Brother and his family are trying to crush them for their personal and unreasonable justification: “What I want is everything,” through all the “Quid Pro Quo: ‘SONTAKU 忖度’in Japanese” and the complete secrecy in the media control.


Media Spin #1: Lack of Authenticity: Everything is done through the back door manipulations

Commoners’ Voice: Why is it OK to allow the Heir, a senior in high school, the first authorship of the original paper in the PhD quality, so the preferential admission to the most prestigious school, The University of Tokyo can be linked. Please let the Son defend the papers if he links the papers to the preferential admission.

Spin from the Son’s supporter: During the next session at the International Congress of Entomology, a second paper in different angle will be presented. Thus, the Son will be listed as the second author while the first author will take all the communication tasks.

Reality: Meanwhile the status as the first author in the original paper will be used for the preferential admission, while the Son is standing silently as the second author in the conference. Moreover, while the original paper is based on the data from the area, controlled as “Off Limit without the permission from the Emperor’s Brother” and the research period covers more than 12+ years. These are indicating that the paper cannot verified by a third party and that some of the early findings could have done by the Son such as 6-year-old. Do you think that the paper can be independently verified and clearly solidified on what the role the Son contributed?

THE FAMILY BUSINESS: The Japanese Commoners understand that these manipulations are the exception, done only by the Emperor’s Brother and his family. The family business started when the Emperor’s Brother was in his undergraduate program: It is well reported that no failing grade was given for all the student in a course at least once to let the Emperor’s Brother pass. Then, when he wanted to go to study at Oxford, UK, because his brother, Emperor completed his study there, he was initially rejected for admission, then allowed to be non-degree student for the two years. Official Release: “Studied in Oxford” was issued inviting any misreading, mostly in Japan. Finally, he received a Ph D in ornithology in 1996 for a long and professional quality paper in English with a well-known professor as the co-author. Who did write the paper? So, this filing by the Son is beyond the fluke accident or mismanagement by the parents’ overzealous ambitions.


Media Spin #2: Smoke and Diversion: Switching the Target Field and University

Commoners’ Voice: Why is it OK to take the Heir to take a spot in the University of Tokyo from a hardworking and well-prepared applicant without proving his academic competitiveness through the open test scores, transparent admission process?

Spin from the Son’s supporter: As discussed before, we aren’t focusing specifically on one school! The target field isn’t limited to the Dragon Fly!  We may seek other opportunities such as Oxford in UK etc.

Reality: The Japanese Commoners are insisting that the undergraduate education isn’t for the prestige, but the personal growth with the young minds. Are you proving that you are worthy for earning the degree?

FAMILY BUSINESS: The switch the targets spin has been used so many times by the Emperor’s Brother and his family. It seems to the Japanese Commoners that the growth of the young mind through learning and challenges isn’t important subject for this family, and that they only seek the accolades and association with the authority further to build and solidify their façade. (Note: Check the numbers of the degree, including the honorary and any relationship with their practices.)

In the Son’s case, the Japanese Commoners believes that his entire path from pre-school to the university had been, is and will be crafted in the “Quid Pro Quo: ‘SONTAKU 忖度’in Japanese” by his parents.

However, the latest report also indicates that he also learned about and is a willing party as an adult to go along with this family business.  Meanwhile, he may have secretly earned a bad name “Bottom Feeder in the Competitive Class, ‘SHINKAIGYO:成績深海魚, “despite the super positive reports on his grades. However, the back doors were firmly set, for his next school, University of Tokyo or other prestige university.


Media Spin #3: Claim of the Son, being the super proficient in English?

Whenever the Son was introduced in his Dragon Fly paper, he was billed as the super communicator with the sufficient knowledge and Super English articulations.   This is very funny and laughable for anyone who are in the high-level multi-culture communications. The evidences are as follows:

  • How can you be super communicator in English as the second language while he even hasn’t demonstrated the point in Japanese as his native language, with the F grade (Leaked) in Japanese?
  • Even in the limited videos, all the Emperor’s Brother and his family are poor communicator, which have been confirmed in the videos from non-Japanese sources, during his visit to UK, Vietnam etc.
  • Anyone, even the person with little English skills can pronounce the sentence phonetically, based on the scrip and the prearrangements with the VIP until the conversation starts to develop into many subjects, spontaneously, which can be confirmed in the many videos!

Please compare the video coverages from the non-Japanese side: Poland and UK between the versions:

which are clearly telling the difference in the Noblesse Oblige English.


FAMILY BUSINESS: As discussed, this abuse of the Imperial Status to gain the unfair advantage over the Commoners isn’t the invention by the Son. It started by his father, the Emperor’s Brother. The example is the fact that he holds a PhD in ornithology. But the valid question on the “Who actually wrote the long dissertation papers for the degree?” are still being asked by the people who knew the time for the Emperor’s Brother and his English proficiency.

With all the treatments, The Emperor’s Brother brushed off the Japanese Commoners, all the time, by either completely ignoring any questions or blaming everyone seeking the reasonable explanations, which is the typical behavior from the Emperor’s Brother and his family.

As the Son is working toward the preferential admission, he has been visiting several institutions for him to demonstrate that he is interested in many other science subjects and the university beyond University of Tokyo as a part of the diversion efforts, which yielded some snapshots of the “who the Son is.” In a video, the Son stated his surprise to a student who worked her job from the ground zero by herself. His words were “Are you truly doing the whole work by yourselves!” In other video, he pushed his mother to clear his view to the object which he wanted to see. Beside any spins such as “You don’t know,” these are showing the poor communication skills for the “presumptive” Heir, becoming the age of the consent in September. If he can show his ability in the communication, he should response to any question on the paper, with the unedited and uncontrolled coverage later this month and should not postpone the solo interview as an adult Imperial Court member, which is the right thing to do as the “Noblesse Oblige,” as the Japanese Commoners are very kind to the young who are trying very hard sincerely and honestly.


If you are interested in further learning about the next steps on how the Japanese Commoners are working on, please check The Fourth View: The Critical Litmus Tests.


The Japanese Commoners are requesting you, non-Japanese to raise your voice to join them to further crumble the façade.

(HR, California)









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