【YOUR VOICE】The Imperial Court Succession: The First View



The First View:  Time is fleeting!

Perfect Storm, Crumbling the Façade and Critical Litmus Test


This is not documented to assist those in the old media and the establishments, foreign or domestic, who are trying to counter this with every possible further spins. Rather, this document is trying to reach you who have fair mind, but under the only one side media story. If so, please look at to form your opinion.

The Japanese are placing the high respect to others, especially on the elders, the humility to live the life in harmony and the adopting to the changes while building the consensus internally among themselves, so it takes very long time to adopt any changes. Thus, this may be very difficult for the none-Japanese, especially the one in the western style values and logics.

So, when you, non-Japanese, listen to the reports on the Imperial Court Succession, it is well understood that the issue may be too difficult for you to digest, especially just looking at the reports from the Japanese old media and formal releases from the officials, which are either muted or heavily edited. Fortunately, the more open communication started through the worldwide IT revolution.

The following is one view, the information on the subject, aimed via the new open IT channels for you further to study the case. (Note: “The Emperor’s Brother,” “Son” and “Mother” are intentionally used in this document, as you can find out the real names just by simple search.)



After reviewing each view, and you agree to them, please assist us in every possible form to support the adoption of the absolute the primogeniture, as the Japanese Commoners are wishing to preserve our crown jewel in The Emperor, Naruhito and Emperess, Masako and Princess, Aiko.

The Japanese Commoners are determined to protect our precious history and traditions with the Imperial Family, thus to defend our position with all the means against anyone, foreign vs. domestic, who are trying to destroy, alter and change this institution. Let’s Start with The Second View: Perfect Storm!

(HR, California)










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